Call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs
Call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs

call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs

If you only have one code number, you can still solve the puzzle - input the corresponding code into the identical colored top, then guess the other two numbers. Each dial has a black pointer - input the code like a clock face.Īs long as you have two enigma machine numbers, you’ll be able to solve the code combo - just spin the third top until you get the right combination. Input the code by interacting with the embedded tops in the toy display case in the Town Square. Why? Each enigma machine with a bow - either red, green, or yellow - will give you one of the code combinations. Inside, look for enigma machines with a large ribbons - write down the number displayed on each enigma machine. Now that you’ve placed the tops, look in the zombie spawn windows in the Town Square, Riverside, Courtyard, Pub and Village Entrance. Insert the three tops into three gray “slots” in the toy display case to the right of the bunker door in the Village Square. To collect them, shoot down the hard-to-spot tops and pick them up off the ground where they fall.

call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs

The tops will spawn in about 10 locations. Shoot the locations show in the gallery above, discovered by Youtuber NoahJ456. Get the green, red, and yellow tops toys - look on the rooftops right above the paths in the Town Square, Riverside, Courtyard, Pub, or Village Entrance areas.

call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs

In random spots on the map, you’ll find 3 tops that spawn on rooftops around the surface village. Now that power is restored, you can interact with the record player inside. Some exposed circuitry will appear on the water-wheel - shoot the wires with an upgraded Tesla Gun variant to restore power to the Pub. That causes the water-wheel down by the docks entrance to the Sewers to spin. Look in the direction, it will point at one of three spots, and shoot the glowing white light. Go to Riverside and face the outer wall - look for a rooster-shaped weathervane on the stone wall and interact with it. This is going to soung strange, so bear with us. Call of Duty: WW2 Zombies – How To Upgrade The Tesla Gun | All Variants GuideĪfter getting all the Tesla Guns, let’s move on to the hardcore Easter egg proper.

Call of duty world at war nazi zombies easter eggs